Tuesday 25 August 2015

Civil dissolution in four easy steps

Civil dissolution is the divorce procedure for same sex marriages. The procedure is almost same as the divorce procedure in opposite sex marriage. Here is some more about it.

Civil partnership act allows couple of same sex to have all rights and responsibilities of a civil marriage. Many find the same sex marriage a cause of concern but the fact is that it is now allowed by government. For different people civil partnership means differently. Some are seeing it as a sin while for some it is a freedom to accept what they really are and what they really feel. When the couple of same gender are enjoying their marital lives the way all married couples enjoy, they are also going through the worst nightmare of marital life. Divorce! Same sex divorce or civil partnership dissolution is indeed a worst thing that may happen to a married couple. But it may be not as bad as it sounds.

How many times marriage becomes a burden when the partner starts behaving unreasonably, starts abusing the other partner physically, mentally or financially? Some time couples start living separately with mutual consent. All this and many other such reasons make dissolution of marriage a logical solution. A person can file for divorce in same sex marriage in case the couple is living apart for more than five years and also in the case when one partner has deserted the other.

The whole procedure of divorce can become physically, mentally and financially exhausting in case you do not understand the complete procedure well. If you understand the procedure and find a genuine lawyer that can help you in civil partnership dissolution, it is a simple and easy to follow procedure. We can describe the procedure into following four steps.

·         Personal details and causes- When you contact your lawyer, first thing that you are required to do is to give your personal details and the details about the issue you have with your marriage that has resulted in your ending up with the decision of divorce. Lawyer will ask you few questions and will inform you about the procedure. He will let you know about the pros and cons of the divorce procedure and things that you should expect.
·         Petition- Second step of the civil dissolution is drafting the petition. After confirmation of your terms and after sending you consent form, the lawyer drafts petition for you. The petition gets drafted according to your requirements and hence you can get it changed if you find anything that you don’t find appropriate.
·         Petition to the court- This petition is then issued to the court. The court also demands for different documents at this point of divorce procedure. You have to produce all the documents to the court.
·         Lodging the consent order- In this step, all the financial arrangements are made. In case you want to divide your assets, this is the time when you do it. Once the arrangements are made, lawyer lodges a clear break consent order. 

Be it a same sex marriage or the other one, divorce means end of one partnership. Most of the lawyers don’t advocate the dissolution, but in case it becomes unavoidable and necessary, it is important that the couple goes through the procedure keeping the interest of their partners in mind.